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FLUKE 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator

FLUKE 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace FLUKE 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator terlengkap dan murah. Harga FLUKE 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator 0. Hanya di Ralali.com

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace FLUKE 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator terlengkap dan murah. Harga FLUKE 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator 0. Hanya di Ralali.com


Country of originUSA
Size124 x 61 x 27 mm
Battery1 x 9 V
Voltage rangeUp to 400 V
Phase Display120 -400 C AC
Frequency range2-400 Hz
Operating timerContinuous
Operating temperature0 oC to 40 oC
Operating AltitudeUp to 2000m
Humadity (without condensation)15% to 80%
Dust / water resistanceIP 40
Electrical safetyEN 61010, EN 61557-7
Overvoltage categoryCAT III, 600 V
CAT IV, 300V


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