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Deskripsi produk Fluke 17B plus Digital Multimeters Multimeter
The 17B Digital Multimeter offers features most often needed for troubleshooting the day to day electrical and electronics problems you face. The 17B Digital Multimeter is specially designed for technicians, keeping in mind their requirements for quick and easy troubleshooting.
The 17B Digital Multimeter offers features like AC/DC voltage measurement along with functions like diode test, capacitance measurement and continuity detection. In addition to above, 17B also offers temperature, frequency and relative measurement functions which are highly appreciated by maintenance engineers.
This multimeter is simple to use with a large LCD display and many other user-friendly benefits which make the 17B Digital Multimeter an easy tool to pick up and use. Fluke Digital Multimeters have become the first choice of todays maintenance and field engineers and the 17B Digital Multimeter is no exception.
The Fluke 17B Digital Multimeter menawarkan fitur yang paling sering dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi masalah hari ke hari listrik dan elektronik masalah yang Anda hadapi. The 17B Digital Multimeter dirancang khusus untuk teknisi, mengingat kebutuhan mereka untuk mengatasi masalah cepat dan mudah.
- Beberapa fungsi dengan Auto / rentang Manual.
- Layar LCD besar, 4.000 Hitungan memperbarui 3/ sec
- Pengukuran Utama: Frekuensi, Suhu, AC / DC AV-Ohm, kapasitansi, Diode & Kontinuitas, siklus
- Frekuensi: 50Hz sampai 100Khz
- Suhu: -55C ke 400C
- Kapasitansi: 100uF ke 0.01nF
- AC Volts: 0.1mv 1.000 V
- DC Volts: 0.1mv 1.000 V
- AC Current: 10A 0.1uA
- DC Current: 10A 0.1UA
- Resistance: 0, 1 ohm ke 40Mohm
- Siklus: 0, 1% menjadi 99, 9%
- Data Hold Fungsi
- Kedua rentang Auto dan jangkauan manual Dipilih
- Overrange perlindungan bagi semua rentang
- Polaritas Indikasi: Menunjukkan polaritas negatif
- Overflow Indikasi
- Mode Sleep / Auto Power off / Indikasi Baterai Rendah
- Frekuensi: 50/ 500 / 5K / 50K / 100KHz, + / - 0, 1% + 3
Informasi tambahan
Pembelian Minimal | 1 |
Satuan | Unit |
Waktu penyediaan barang | - |
SKU | - |
Berat pengiriman | 1 Kilogram |
Panjang | 10 Centimeter |
Lebar | 10 Centimeter |
Tinggi | 20 Centimeter |