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Mocoa chocolate powder Black Widow 250gr <% k+1 %>

Mocoa chocolate powder Black Widow 250gr

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Mocoa chocolate powder Black Widow 250gr

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Deskripsi produk Mocoa chocolate powder Black Widow 250gr

The resemblance of a true predator, black widow is often found in the deepest, and darkest part of the wild nature. Black Widow spiders prefer to nest near the ground in the dark, and undisturbed areas, preying on its victims. Strong, Bold, and Dark, are indeed the suitable depiction of this cocoa powder, with the darkness itself embodied, this cocoa drink is suitable for bold individuals, with an appetite for bittersweet chocolate with strong aftertaste 
Tasting notes :
cocoa intensity ,bittersweet , nutty dan earthy

- 250gr

Informasi tambahan

Pembelian Minimal 250
Satuan Gram
Waktu penyediaan barang -
Berat pengiriman 0.25 Kilogram
Panjang 10 Centimeter
Lebar 10 Centimeter
Tinggi 30 Centimeter

Informasi Dasar

Nama Perusahaan: Mocoa Chocolate
Tahun Berdiri: 2018
Tipe Bisnis: Distributor
Jumlah Karyawan: 1-5
Produk/Layanan Utama: speciality chocolate
Lokasi: surabaya, indonesia
Update Terakhir: 03 Dec 2020

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