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Rhino Shrouded Padlock 40mm Long Shackle / stainless steel <% k+1 %>

Rhino Shrouded Padlock 40mm Long Shackle / stainless steel

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Rhino Shrouded Padlock 40mm Long Shackle / stainless steel

Rp 180.000 - Rp 210.000 /Pieces Pembelian Minimal 250 Pieces Harga Nego
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Catatan penjual

  • Pemesanan sebelum 7 Juni 2018, Pengiriman barang akan dilakukan di bulan Agustus - September 2018

  • Apabila terdapat pertanyaan bisa menghubungi kami langsung.

Deskripsi produk Rhino Shrouded Padlock 40mm Long Shackle / stainless steel

  • Stainless steel double - ball shackle locking, equipped with stainless steel shackle
  • Masterkey Ready (Optional)
  • Saw attack resistant
  • Material body : 304 stainless steel Shackle :
  • 304 stainless steel
  • Finish: mirror polish, strip polish
  • Cylinder is protected againts tampering
  • Drill protection: cylinder is protected againts drilling and leverage
  • Bolt cutter attack resistant
  • Key, reversible nickel silver key with plastic key head, also avaible in all nickel silver and stainless steel with plastic key head
  • Weather proof, for extreme corrosion resistance
  • Anti Acid and other destructive chemicals

Informasi tambahan

Pembelian Minimal 250
Satuan Pieces
Waktu penyediaan barang -
Berat pengiriman 0.9 Kilogram
Panjang 6 Centimeter
Lebar 4 Centimeter
Tinggi 8 Centimeter

Informasi Dasar

Nama Perusahaan: Trana Atyasa Nusantara
Tahun Berdiri: 2013
Tipe Bisnis:
Jumlah Karyawan: 25-50
Produk/Layanan Utama:
Update Terakhir: 03 Dec 2020

Log Aktivitas

Jumlah Pembeli yang sudah bertransaksi: 0
Volume Transaksi: 0
Dokumen Serifikasi (KTP, SIUP, TDP): KTP, SIUP

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