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+HOCL Misty Spayer 300ml

+HOCL Misty Spayer 300ml

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
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Rp <% 185000.00 | rupiah %>

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Long press..

Sprayer of precision that generates a light vapor with the right amount of water. It has a system of prolonged pulsation to facilitate the application.


Highlight Polished, Beautiful And Durable
High Precision, High Pressure Nozzle
Superfine Mist, Continuous Injection

Material: Abs
Product Size: 27 X 6 X 8 cm
Function: Superfine Mist, Continuous Injection
Usage: Quily Pull The Trigger And Spray The Effect Of The Water Mist

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+HOCL Misty Spayer 300ml
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