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Chocolate Bark, Milk Chocolate with Seed & Grain Sourdough

Chocolate Bark, Milk Chocolate with Seed & Grain Sourdough

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Milk chocolate combined with seeds, oats, and salt

Treat yourself with this snack able chocolate bark combining handcrafted Seed & Grain bread with milk chocolate. This meticulously paired chocolate and crunchy breadcrumbs create a truly addictive anytime treat.⠀

Ingredients: Cane sugar, Cacao nibs, Cocoa butter, Vanilla, Milk, Sunflower lecithin, Seed & Grain Sourdough (Wheat flour, whole wheat flour, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, oats, white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, salt)

Storage: store between 16 to 22 degrees Celsius to prevent damage
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