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Eloi Coco Liverich Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Body Splash 115ml

Eloi Coco Liverich Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Body Splash 115ml

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Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, wow that is a mouthful. We know how difficult it is to pronounce the name of our new variant, but we also know how much effort and time it took to plan the launch of this new formulation. This fragrance takes us to a place far far away, deep in the galaxy, a place filled with stars, a bajilion planets and aliens. Wait, did we say aliens? Well this scent definitely reminds us of aliens with its white floral and powdery notes. A beautiful jasmine accord encapsulates the top notes for a beautiful launch, while the middle notes are a woody fusion for a strong body. Lastly, we land like a spaceship on our bottom notes with beautiful hints of a glowing amber. Get ready to launch, or strap down to land baby.

Top Note: Bunga Jasmine (Sambac Jasmine)

Middle Note: Kayu Kasmir (Cashmere Wood)

Bottom Note: Amber Putih dan Musk Putih (White Amber and White Musk)

BPOM NO: 18190606397

*Marketing purposes only. Terms and conditions apply.

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