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Gembok Tas Padlock W/Key Plastic Black Tsa361 Krisbow 10097079

Gembok Tas Padlock W/Key Plastic Black Tsa361 Krisbow 10097079

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Deskripsi Produk Gembok Tas Padlock W/Key Plastic Black Tsa361 Krisbow 10097079

Gembok Tas Padlock W/Key Plastic Black Tsa361 Krisbow 10097079

● TSA lock is global security system that allows luggage to be locked, whilst permitting security authorities to open and inspect the contents, without damage to the lock, or inconvenience to the passenger.
● Great for use on any type of transport, such as planes, trains or buses
● Easy way to keep your belongings safe from thieves
● Can fit on most types of luggage, including backpacks and suitcases
● TSA lock is global security system that allows luggage to be locked, whilst permitting security authorities to open and inspect the contents, without damage to the lock, or inconvenience to the passenger.
● Great for use on any type of transport, such as planes, trains or buses
● Easy way to keep your belongings safe from thieves
● Can fit on most types of luggage, including backpacks and suitcases

Spesifikasi :
● Lock Material : ABS
● Dimension : 56x28.5x115 mm

Gembok Tas Padlock W/Key Plastic Black Tsa361 Krisbow 10097079

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