• <% home.items_in_cart %>

Gift Set Square 15 x 5g

Gift Set Square 15 x 5g

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
No Brand
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 75900.00 | rupiah %>

Apakah anda kesulitan mencari barang yang sesuai keinginan anda?
Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %> Rp <% item.retail_discount | rupiah %>  
Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %>   <% item.retail_discount_percentage %>%
Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

This gift set contains all five of Krakakoa’s Flavours of the Archipelago chocolate squares as a showcase of the legendary tastes of Indonesia, once known to the world as the Spice Islands.

Storage: store between 16 to 22 degrees Celsius to prevent damage
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<% productcatalog.result.item_detail.result.name %>
Gift Set Square 15 x 5g
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