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Headset Earphone Samsung Galaxy S8 S9 S10 AKG Earphone OEM Handsfree

Headset Earphone Samsung Galaxy S8 S9 S10 AKG Earphone OEM Handsfree

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
No Brand
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 15500.00 | rupiah %>

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Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %> Rp <% item.retail_discount | rupiah %>  
Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %>   <% item.retail_discount_percentage %>%
Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

Spesifikasi umum
- Color : Black
- Stereo earphone with mic
- High Quality Sound

Suara treble dan bass mantab dan jernih, dengan kualitas original.

Features :
Optimal Audio Quality
Rich, detailed, and accurate sound reproduction and amazing bass response for all types of music.
Plug and Play
Simply plug these earphone into your USB port or you can use optional AC adapter and enjoy your music anywhere! No need to instal driver or any other software.
Compatible all device that have 3.5mm audio jack.

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