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Hot Water Dispenser / Boiler 12L

Hot Water Dispenser / Boiler 12L

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 3500000.00 | rupiah %>

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Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

A Commercial Hot Water Dispensers Delivers Heated Water for Food and Beverage Preparations

Keep a steady supply of hot water available for coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate with our selection of hot water dispensers. Using a commercial hot water dispenser also allows you to prepare soup, hot beverages, and oatmeal on the spot. Keep a hot water dispenser in your cafeteria, hotel, buffet, or office break room so customers and employees can help themselves to a hot beverage. At your concession stand or convenience store, a water dispenser is great for a beverage station including self-serve stations.

Many of these hot water dispensers hold water at 200 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain the safe temperature needed for food preparations. Choose from pour-over or water line sources as well as adjustable and fixed temperature models. We carry models with many capacities so you have boiling water available for your lowest to highest volume tasks. These dispensers come in a range of widths to suit any amount of counter space, so you can fit one in even the tightest spaces.

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Hot Water Dispenser / Boiler 12L
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