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JEJUINDI Poly Indigo Moisture Bubble Serum 80g

JEJUINDI Poly Indigo Moisture Bubble Serum 80g

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JEJUINDI Poly Indigo Moisture Bubble Serum 80g


Beauty, Sport & Fashion-> Personal Care-> Face Treatment-> Essence, Serum, Toner


After cleansing the face, gently apply it to the face and neck with an appropriate amount.

-Jeju Indi Poly Indigo Moisture Bubble SerumPoly Indigo blue collagen bubble fills moisture and elasticity firmly with Poly Indigo Moisture Bubble Serum.

-Blue collagen bubbles made by encapsulating Jeju leaf, stem extract and collagen with excellent moisturizing.

-Function are absorbed as it touches the skin and absorbs as it pops up, forming a moisturizing film and moisturizing and rejuvenating skin.

Made from Jeju Island, Korea


The expiration date is marked separately marked.

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