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Jack Hammer Breaker Hyd Anti-Vib Krisbow 10198735

Jack Hammer Breaker Hyd Anti-Vib Krisbow 10198735

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Deskripsi Produk Jack Hammer Breaker Hyd Anti-Vib Krisbow 10198735

Jack Hammer Breaker Hyd Anti-Vib Krisbow 10198735

● Low vibration handle mechanism, reducing the risk of HAVS.
● Progressive starting “feathering” action allows the user to accurately place the tool and mark out before engaging full power.
● To suit different tools for all applications.
● High blow energy and frequency give high productivity.
● Unique return blow action allows the operator to power the tool free.
● Less expensive and more powerful than pneumatic tools.
● Economical to operate and simple to maintain.
● Can be use safely with alternative power sources such as excavators, skid steel loaders and road rollers.

Spesifikasi :
● Blow rate: 1600 bpm
● Flow Rate: 20 L/min
● Pressure 98
● 138 barv
● Steel Size 25x108 mm

Jack Hammer Breaker Hyd Anti-Vib Krisbow 10198735

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