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MASTERPAC Pendulum Concrete Vibrator PDRH.2 Pocker Head PVP45

MASTERPAC Pendulum Concrete Vibrator PDRH.2 Pocker Head PVP45

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MASTERPAC Pendulum Concrete Vibrator, GERMANY

Item : Drive Unit Pendulum Vibrator

Model : PDRH.2

Warranty : 2 Years

Weight Kg(lb) : 21(46)

Engine Type : Honda GX160 (4 Stroke)

Power kw(hp) : 4.0 (5.5)

Starting system : Recoil

Oli capacity : 0.58L

Model : PVP45

Vibrator Head Dia x Length : 45 x 395 mm

Vibrator Amplitude : 1.25 mm

Frequency : 13500 vpm

Revolution of flexible shaft : 3000-3600 rpm

Flexible hose length : 8 M

Approx weight : 13 Kg

Features :

- High Frequency vibration

- Allows the efficient compaction of low slump concrete mixes

- Compaction improves the strength and finish of concrete

- By driving out entrapped air.

- The low speed of both the vibration and vibrator drive unit

- Longer service life.

- Quick change vibrator coupling for easy operation

- With DYNAPAC coupling

Usage Tips & Suggestion :

- Insert vibrator head into concrete at regular intervals

- And slowly withdraw after a short delay at the deepest point

- Distance between immersion points : approx. 10 times

- Approx. 10 times the diameter of the internal vibrator

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