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Monitor Samsung 20" Inch LED S20D300NH FHD Garansi Resmi S20D300

Monitor Samsung 20" Inch LED S20D300NH FHD Garansi Resmi S20D300

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Samsung Monitor S20D300
Display Tipe LED
Ukuran Layar 19,5" Inch
Resolusi 1600x900
Ratio 16:9

The Samsung 20-Inch LED Monitor S20D300H offers advanced features and sleek styling that fits at home or at work. Mega Dynamic Contrast Ratio technology offers enhanced picture quality. Gamers will appreciate the Game Mode, which automatically optimizes picture quality. VGA ports give you a range of connectivity options, and Magic Upscale ensures a sharp picture when you connect a laptop, tablet, or smartphone to view content on a larger screen. The S20D300H offers three selectable energy-saving modes and has earned the ENERGY STAR 6.0 rating for energy efficiency.

-Sleek Styling for Minimalist Appeal
-Game Mode for a Better Gaming Experience
-Mega Dynamic Contrast Ratio for a Brilliant Picture
-Magic Upscale for Enhanced Picture without Degradation
-Eco Saving Modes to Reduce Energy Usage
-Onboard VGA Connections 

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