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NESPRESSO Gran Lattissima Coffee Machine Black

NESPRESSO Gran Lattissima Coffee Machine Black

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
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Rp <% 13884213.00 | rupiah %>

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- One touch does it all: De'Longhi patented one-touch fresh milk technology combined with the premium Nespresso capsule system allows you to create perfect Barista quality recipes every time at the touch of a button

- Premium design: The Nespresso Gran Lattissima features a modern, premium design using both matte and high-gloss finishes with stainless steel accents and a beautiful glass touch panel

- Versatile: Choose from 9 one-touch beverages selections, including foamed milk recipes, flat milk recipes, and rich, creamy coffee and espresso recipes

- Practical design: Sliding drip tray accommodates different cup sizes, and removable milk container can be placed in refrigerator between uses

- High-performance: 19-bar pump with fast heat-up system

- Intuitive alert: The customizable descaling alert ensures proper functioning of the machine and a perfect coffee experience time after time based on the water hardness in your home

- Energy-saving: Programmable automatic energy-saving function switches machine off after inactivity, consuming less energy


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