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Panel ATS Iwata 250AMP

Panel ATS Iwata 250AMP

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
No Brand
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 18007000.00 | rupiah %>

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Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %> Rp <% item.retail_discount | rupiah %>  
Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %>   <% item.retail_discount_percentage %>%
Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

Setiap hari buka termasuk hari minggu/libur, silahkan di pesan barangnya dan kami akan mengirimkan barang pesanan anda secepat mungkin.

Genset Power : 80 - 130 (KW) / 100 - 162 (KVA)
Switch : Aisikai
Control Input Voltage : AC 230 (V) / 400 (V)
Switch Time : 0.45 (S)

ATS itself is an electrical panel with the function of controlling 2 power sources that can be handled automatically and safely.

When power is disconnected, ATS will give a signal to turn on the generator and vice versa.

ATS is suitable for use in factories,

offices or homes that want a security system to move the main electricity source to an alternative power source.

Dapatkan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang ekonomis.

Hati-hati barang tiruan, Produk yang asli hanya ada di PT. Indotara Persada.

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Panel ATS Iwata 250AMP
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