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Phase Indicator Kyoritsu 8031 (standard type)

Phase Indicator Kyoritsu 8031 (standard type)

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 950000.00 | rupiah %>

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Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

Phase indicator designed to check the presence of open phase and also the phase sequence by rotating disk and lamps.
Can check a wide range of 3-phase power source from 110V to 600V. Sealed against dust, the unit ensures trouble-free performance.
Small, Light weight and portable. Designed for maximum ease of operation and ruggedness.

Operational voltage : 110 - 600V AC

Time limit for continuous : >500V : within 5 minutes

Frequency response : 50/60Hz

Applicable standards
IEC 61010-1 CAT 600V
Pollution degree 2

Withstand Voltage : 5550V AC for 1 minute
Dimensions : 106(L) 75(W) 40(D)mm
Weight : 350g approx.
Cord : 1.5m (R: red S: white T: blue)
Accessories :
9029 (Carrying Case)
Instruction manual

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Phase Indicator Kyoritsu 8031 (stan...
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