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Pheos Uvex 9192 Safety Eyewear

Pheos Uvex 9192 Safety Eyewear

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
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Rp <% 135000.00 | rupiah %>

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Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

The modern, fashionable design of the uvex pheos safety spectacle is ideal for everyday wear in the industrial workplace.
the uvex pheos spec offers high levels of comfort, fit and ultimately protection.
-Scratch-resistant and anti-fog. The supravision HC-AF coating technology makes the uvex pheos lens highly scratchresistant on the outside and permanently anti-fog on the inside
-Provides 100% UV protection
-Optimal eye coverage. The duo-spherical lens has additional curvature at the upper edge providing an integral brow guard for additional coverage
-Enhanced ventilation

Note :mohon untuk mencantumkan warna lensa yang dikehendaki ketika order

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Pheos Uvex 9192 Safety Eyewear
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