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SAMSUNG Kulkas Side by Side 647L

SAMSUNG Kulkas Side by Side 647L

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SAMSUNG Kulkas Side by Side 647L RS61R5001M9/SE

More fresh space inside, More seamless style outside
SpaceMax™ Technology
Store more food with a very spacious 700 liter* interior. Its unique SpaceMax™ technology enables the walls to be much thinner as it uses a minimal amount of high-efficiency insulation. So it creates more storage space without increasing the external dimensions or compromising energy efficiency. Always fresh food, wherever it is
All-around Cooling
Make sure that all your food is properly cooled – wherever it is in the fridge. An All-around Cooling system continually checks the temperature and blows out cold air. It cools the fridge evenly from corner to corner, so every item of food stays fresher for longer. Last longer with up to 50% energy saving
Digital Inverter
Samsung Digital Inverter Compressor lasts your food longer with up to 50% energy savings, and it also can keep working for 21 years continuously*. It automatically adjusts its speed in response to cooling demand, so it reduces wear and tear. And its durability is guaranteed for 10 years**.

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SAMSUNG Kulkas Side by Side 647L
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