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UVC Trandos Towerlite X2

UVC Trandos Towerlite X2

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
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Rp <% 36000000.00 | rupiah %>

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- 10 units low pressure high output Germicidal UV C Lamp

- Total Lamp Power 360 Watt with Total UVC Output 145 Watt

- UVC @1m for each lamp : 1.45W/m2

- 360o  Area range

- Adjustable OFF Timer 1 minutes ~ 90 minutes

- Adjustable delay 1 minutes ~ 3 minutes (give operator time to exit the room)

- User friendly controller

- 220V Power, 50Hz

Radiation in the UVC range of 250-280 nm can penetrate and disturb the structure of DNA molecules of the bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. It is effective for surface disinfection.

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UVC Trandos Towerlite X2
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