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Uniden Walkie Talkie PMR1208-2

Uniden Walkie Talkie PMR1208-2

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
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Rp <% 499000.00 | rupiah %>

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Model: Uniden Walkie Talkie PMR1208-2 Up to 10km Range(Subjected To Terrain Conditions) Vox 3 Selection Micro USB Charging Conveniently Recharges the supplied batteries in the radios 8 Channels Rechargeable Battery Provided 38 Privacy Code Codes per Channel help reduce interference from others Headset Jack Connect to a VOX or PTT-type headset for private conversations (Not Included) Call Tone A tone will sound when calling each other Key Lock Locks in key functions Scan Helps to find others in your area Roger Beep Let others know when you finish speaking IPX2 Works well in humid environments IMDA APPROVED SMALL & COMPACT IN SIZE

Feature :

- Up to 10km range(Subjected to Terrain Conditions)

- 8 Channels

- Small & Compact Size

- 38 Sub Code CTCSS

- 83 Sub Code DCS

- VOX 3 Selection

- Power Saver

- Call Tones

- Headset Jack(Headset Not Included)

- Roger Beep

- Scan

- Key Lock

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Uniden Walkie Talkie PMR1208-2
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