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BLICKLE L-POEV 80G Wheel with Elastic Solid Rubber Tyre Swivel Castors Type:L-POEV 80R

BLICKLE L-POEV 80G Wheel with Elastic Solid Rubber Tyre Swivel Castors Type:L-POEV 80R

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace BLICKLE L-POEV 80G Wheel with Elastic Solid Rubber Tyre Swivel Castors Type:L-POEV 80R terlengkap dan murah. Harga BLICKLE L-POEV 80G Wheel with Elastic Solid  Baca Selengkapnya

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace BLICKLE L-POEV 80G Wheel with Elastic Solid Rubber Tyre Swivel Castors Type:L-POEV 80R terlengkap dan murah. Harga BLICKLE L-POEV 80G Wheel with Elastic Solid Rubber Tyre Swivel Castors Type:L-POEV 80R 427000. Hanya di Ral


Country of Origin-
Dimension (W x L x H)-
Wheel Ø100 mm125 mm
Tyre width40 mm40 mm
Load capacity200 Kg250 Kg
Bearing typeBall bearingBall bearing
Total height130 mm155mm
Plate Ø88 mm88 mm
Bolt hole Ø13 mm13 mm
Offset45 mm48 mm





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