• <% home.items_in_cart %>

cairan fogging disinfektan

cairan fogging disinfektan

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
No Brand
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 100000.00 | rupiah %>

Apakah anda kesulitan mencari barang yang sesuai keinginan anda?
Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %> Rp <% item.retail_discount | rupiah %>  
Rp <% item.retail_price | rupiah %>   <% item.retail_discount_percentage %>%
Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

kapasitas 100 ml

Keuntungan :
formaldehye removal, sterilization, deodorization, purification, and formaldehyde removal 90.27%, sterilization rate 99.9%, deodorization 99.9%

Feature :
this product uses nano-dispersion technology and nano air catalyst to decompose formaldehyde in the car. it is rich in natural chlorophyl and kil 99.9% of bacteria in the car. it is safe and efficient sterilization process that uses herbal plant essense through special processing deodorant , pure green product , harmless to human body, safe and convenient.

instruction :
1. this product is only suitable for the use nano atomization disinfection machine follow the use of nano atomization disinfection machine
2.close the workshop for 20-30 minutes after construction with the atomizing disinfektan machine.
3. open the doors and window of the car and ventilate for 10 minutes

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<% productcatalog.result.item_detail.result.name %>
cairan fogging disinfektan
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