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EXTECH HDV600 High Definition Videoscope (Meter Only)

EXTECH HDV600 High Definition Videoscope (Meter Only)

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Tersedia puluhan seller menjual EXTECH HDV600 High Definition Videoscope (Meter Only) paling lengkap dan terpercaya. Harga EXTECH HDV600 High Definition Videoscope  Baca Selengkapnya

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Tersedia puluhan seller menjual EXTECH HDV600 High Definition Videoscope (Meter Only) paling lengkap dan terpercaya. Harga EXTECH HDV600 High Definition Videoscope (Meter Only) 31533000. Ayo belanja sekarang!


Country of Origin-
Dimension (L x W x H)17.8 x 7 x 24.1 inches
Weight3.3 pounds
Manufacturing NumberHDV600
Features5.7-Inch color LCD TFT with high definition 640 x 480 resolution
SD memory card included to store >14,600 images
Video recording (up to 4 hours) with Voice annotation
AV output for viewing images and video directly on a monitor
An optional wireless transmitter (HDV-WTX) connects to your camera cable and allows you to transmit video up to 100ft (30m) from the measurement point to your monitor


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