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EXTECH Stopwatch/Clock Digital 365510

EXTECH Stopwatch/Clock Digital 365510

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Tersedia puluhan seller menjual EXTECH Stopwatch/Clock Digital 365510 paling lengkap dan terpercaya. Harga EXTECH Stopwatch/Clock Digital 365510 592000. Ayo belanja sekarang!

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Tersedia puluhan seller menjual EXTECH Stopwatch/Clock Digital 365510 paling lengkap dan terpercaya. Harga EXTECH Stopwatch/Clock Digital 365510 592000. Ayo belanja sekarang!


Country of Origin-
Dimension (L x W x H)57 x 70 x 15 mm
Weight50 g

Two Competitor monitoring, Alarm and Clock features. The accuracy of the clock is ±3
seconds per 24 hours.

Water resistance housing is complete with 39" (1m) neckstrap and battery

Sporty colorful yellow stopwatch with large LCD

Accumulated elapsed time and split time measurements


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