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HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata 7532C - Personal Eyewash Station 32 oz

HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata 7532C - Personal Eyewash Station 32 oz

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
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Rp <% 2200000.00 | rupiah %>

Tersedia puluhan seller menjual HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata 7532C - Personal Eyewash Station 32 oz paling lengkap dan terpercaya. Harga HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata 7532C - Personal  Baca Selengkapnya

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Tersedia puluhan seller menjual HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata 7532C - Personal Eyewash Station 32 oz paling lengkap dan terpercaya. Harga HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata 7532C - Personal Eyewash Station 32 oz 2200000. Ayo belanja sekarang!

 Model 7532C Anodyne? personal eyewash station provides immediate
 irrigation to the eye when plumbed or self-contained emergency eyewash
stations are not readily available. Includes an easy to grab and easy to
 open 32oz bottle of sterilized isotonic buffered solution housed on a
highly-visible Safety Green high impact polystyrene wall bracket that
requires a minimal foot print. Large graphic labeling provides quick
reference to its location. Extended 36 months shelf life from date of
manufacture provides a long lasting product. Should be used to
complement plumbed or self-contained ANSI compliant emergency equipment,
 not in lieu of.

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