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HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata/Tubuh Combination Eye Face Shower 8300 Axion

HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata/Tubuh Combination Eye Face Shower 8300 Axion

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Rp <% 50000000.00 | rupiah %>

Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata/Tubuh Combination Eye Face Shower 8300 Axion terlengkap dan murah. Harga HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata/Tubuh Combination Eye  Baca Selengkapnya

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata/Tubuh Combination Eye Face Shower 8300 Axion terlengkap dan murah. Harga HAWS Alat Pencuci Mata/Tubuh Combination Eye Face Shower 8300 Axion 50000000. Hanya di Ralali.com

Haws stainless steel Model 8330 combines the use of a stainless steel
shower head, anti-surge Soft-Flo' eyewash heads, and face spray ring for
 the irrigation process. The combination unit is equipped with an
in-line 50 x 50 mesh water strainer and stainless dust cover, so when
debris is present, the irrigation process stays protected. A great
addition to unsafe environments where the eyes, face, and body may be
exposed to corrosive materials.

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