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Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F

Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F terlengkap dan murah. Harga Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F 4760000. Hanya di Ralali.com

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Tempat jual-beli B2B marketplace Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F terlengkap dan murah. Harga Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F 4760000. Hanya di Ralali.com

Extra wide transformer jaws are best suited for clamping on all three or four wires (3phases) together for leakage current measurement.
Frequency filter switch to eliminate the effect of harmonics.
Output terminal.
Resolution 0.1mA.


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Kyoritsu Leakage Clamp Meters 2413F
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