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LUTRON VB-8200 Vibration Meter

LUTRON VB-8200 Vibration Meter

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Pusat Lutron,Harga Lutron LUTRON VB-8200 Vibration Meter berkualitas

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Pusat Lutron,Harga Lutron LUTRON VB-8200 Vibration Meter berkualitas


* Applications for industrial vibration monitoring : All industrial machinery vibrates. The level of vibration is a useful guide to machine condition. Poor balance, misalignment and looseness of the structure will cause the vibration level increase, it is a sure sign that the maintenance is needed.
* Frequency range 10 Hz - 1 kHz, sensitivity relative meet ISO 2954.
* Supply with vibration sensor & magnetic base, full set.
* Velocity range : 200 mm/s.
* Acceleration range : 200 m/s^2
* RMS & Peak measurement.
* Data hold, Memory ( Max. & Min. ).
* Separate vibration probe.
* RS 232 computer interface.
* Optional data acquisition software.
* Microcomputer circuit.
* Auto shut off saves battery life.

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LUTRON VB-8200 Vibration Meter
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