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Mitachi - Booster CATV Signal Amplifier

Mitachi - Booster CATV Signal Amplifier

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Pusat No Brand,Harga No Brand Mitachi - Booster CATV Signal Amplifier berkualitas

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Pusat No Brand,Harga No Brand Mitachi - Booster CATV Signal Amplifier berkualitas

Merek : Mitachi

Tipe : CATV Signal Amplifier ( Booster ) 4 Channel 

Bandwidth : 45-750 MHz
Gain : 30 +/- 2 dB
Slope Set : 5 dB
Power Consumption : 2 Watt

Instruction :
- When the picture is not clear enough, this amplifier can reduce the graininess and enhance the clarity of your TV set by amplifying the signal.
- When used with several TV sets, it is recommended to amplify the signal with this amplifier before the distribution of the signal.
- It reduces the error rate of teletext and boosts the transmission speed.
- It can be used in many places, at home or in shops or hotels.

Major characteristics :
- Innovative design with all the connectors, which makes the wiring and installation easier.
- Imported components, low noise coefficient, high output level.
- Wide frequency range, high dynamic range, superior shielding capability, high isolation level.
- Low power consumption, high performance.

Installation :
- To guarantee an ideal signal to noise ratio and clarity of the image, keep the amplifier as far away from the TV set and as close to the CATV Splitter as possible.

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